02 6071 5200

Tallangatta Health Service provides a wide range of services to the community

Tallangatta Health Service acknowledges the traditional owners of this land on which we stand and pay our respects to the elders, past, present and future, for they hold the memories, the traditions and the culture of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. 

Tallangatta Health Service promotes a holistic approach to the care and wellbeing of clients, patients, residents and staff, providing a comfortable, attractive and caring environment for each individual.

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Nurse Graduate Program

Nurse Graduate Program Learn More.

Our Community

Tallangatta Health Service provides a wide range of services to the local and surrounding communities which include Tallangatta, Mitta Mitta, Eskdale, Dartmouth Granya, Jarvis Creek, Koetong,  Sandy Creek, Bellbridge/Bethanga and Tallangatta Valley.

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Our Services

The services we offer include Acute Hospital Care, Palliative Care, Medical Centre, Residential and Nursing Home Aged Care, Home and Community Care, District Nursing, Women's Health, Diabetes Education, and Exercise and Social Activity Groups.

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Allied Health

 Our Allied Health team offer services from a Dietitian, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapists, Social Worker, Exercise Physiologist and Allied Health Assistants.

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Acute Services

Tallangatta Health Service is a public based facility with an acute ward offering a range of hospital type services to the local community.


Residential Aged Care

Our Residential Aged Care facilities (RACFs) are accredited with the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency (AACQA), in accordance with the Commonwealth of Australia Aged Care Act 1997 and both Bolga Court Hostel and Lakeview Nursing Home have been granted three years accreditation.


Medical Centre

The team at the Medical Centre are employed by the Tallangatta Health Service (THS) and consists of Doctors, Practice Manager, Practice Nurse, Diabetes Educator, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner and Reception staff.


Home & Community

Tallangatta Health offer a range of Home & Community services.


Allied Health

Tallangatta Health Service provides a range of allied health and nursing services to our commmunty.


Our Commitment

‘Empowering People for Health’

To enable the best health possible, focusing on the individual’s best interests, a person must feel empowered to make decisions. Empowering people is aimed at making each person in our community stronger and more confident, to give them authority in decision-making for health.

Where Are We?

Tallangatta Health Service is situated in the township of Tallangatta, overlooking the foreshores of Lake Hume. Several communities are based in the Towong Shire catchment area including: Mitta Mitta, Eskdale, and Dartmouth, Bethanga, Talgarno and surrounding districts.

Tell Us Your Story

Tallangatta Health Service is committed to listening to the feedback of those who have accessed our services. Your feedback offers invaluable insight which could not only improve aspects of our care, but also acknowledge the moments that you believe are worthy of praise.

By anonymously sharing a ‘story’- be it either good, bad, little or big. Tallangatta Health Service is able to make improvements in a timely and patient-centred way for the benefit of our community.

Care Opinion is an independent site for the consumers, families and carers of those who have accessed aged, health, and community services in Australia. Care Opinion gives you a public voice to share your experience about the services you use. Care Opinion is safe, confidential and independent of services and authorities.