02 6071 5200

About Tallangatta Health

Tallangatta Health Service (THS) functions under the Health Services Act 1988 (VIC) and is delegated its functions by the Minister of Health. THS is a small rural health service funded by the Department of Health (Victoria) to provide public health services, and it receives aged care funding from the Department of Health (Commonwealth).

Our service operates within a Strategic Directions 2018-2027 framework with a vision of THS to ‘Empowering People for Health.

Our strategic priorities are:

Regular reporting on our achievements within each strategic aspiration is made to the Board.

Health Services

Acute Care

Tallangatta Health Service has 15 acute funded state beds and is fully accredited against the National Safety and Quality Health Care Standards for Small Health Services.

The services provided include:

General/Sub Acute Care, Post Surgical/Medical Care, Palliative Care, Transitional Care Program in collaboration with Albury Wodonga Health.

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Residential Aged Care

Bolga Court Hostel and Lakeview Nursing Home are fully accredited facilities with the Australian Aged Care Quality Standards and provide a range of residential aged care services such as short term respite accommodation or permanent residential care.

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Home & Community Care

The My Community and Home Care at THS is funded to provide a range of services designed to support you, or the person you care for, to stay active and independent and living at home for as long as possible.

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Medical Centre

The Medical Centre is open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm. 

Consultations are by appointment only and may be booked by phone on 02 6071 5270 or in person.   

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Partnering With You

Healthcare is a relationship between people delivering care and people receiving care. This creates a need to engage with each other to ensure the best care can be given. Ultimately all decisions made have an impact on people’s lives so it is practically important to involve people in decisions about healthcare.

To ensure that we provide the best care, THS listens to the voice of our consumers. We want to ensure that what you say in how we design and deliver care is valued and heard. 

We will encourage and support participation in decision making, foster collaboration, communicate and share information, and treat our consumers with dignity and respect.

This is an integral part of our 'Together We Care' culture when delivering person centred care.

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Strategic Direction

'Empowering People for Health’

'Empowering People for Health’ is the long-term vision of Tallangatta Health Service.

Our Strategic Direction identifies the strategic priorities that will enable the service to achieve its vision by remaining relevant and sustainable, and meeting the
changing health needs of the community.

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