02 6071 5200

Organisational Information

Tallangatta Health Service is lead operationally by the Chief Executive Officer supported by an executive team who collaboratively, in a together we care environment, lead the organisation to achieve its vision, with overarching governance by the Board.

The Executive Team at Tallangatta Health Service take in these four areas as follows:

Message from the
Chief Executive Officer

Tallangatta Health Service’s vision of ‘Empowering People for Health’ has my absolute commitment, and inspires me to lead the organisation to deliver the best care possible, with people at the heart of care decisions, it is a driving passion for me as a leader.

“We aim to care for your loved ones as we would care for ours. If a matter is important to you it’s important to us”

Alongside this commitment is supporting and inspiring our people, our staff, who are very dedicated to provide high level safe care to those we care for and as an organisation we value their commitment and care very much for them.

Vicki Pitcher
Chief Executive Officer


Chief Executive Officer

Clinical Operations

Director of Clinical Operations & Nursing (DCON)


Director of Corporate Services (DCS)

Executive Team

The core responsibilities of the Leadership team are to provide leadership to enable the vision of Tallangatta Health Service to be realised alongside performance priorities in its environment of care and to ensure that all our services are person centred, safe and of high quality.

 The Leadership team is comprised of the following positions:

Leadership Team

Department Managers

Nurse Manager

Robyn Reeves

Deputy Director Clinical Operations/Nursing

Jennifer Keogh

People & Workforce Advisor

Louise McCudden

Environmental Services Manager

Estelle Star

Quality & Risk Manager

Evelyn Keogh

Nurse Manager Bolga Court

Danielle Armstrong

Medical Centre

Doctors & Key Personnel

Practice Manager

Kathy Cregan


Dr Benjamin Nelson

Dr Kerryn Lownie

Dr Leah Dunne

Dr Paul Dodds

Dr Rasmita Mishra

Nurse Practitioner

Susan Reid

Practice Nurse

Jenny Taylor
Melody MacDonald

Diabetes Educator

Denise Johnston

Key Staff

Coordinators/Team Leaders

Chef – Catering Coordinator

David Baird


Kate Maciulis – Clinical Nurse Educator

Infection Prevention Control Coordinator


No Lift Coordinator

Grace Bannerman

AN-ACC Coordinator

Julie Carroll

Volunteer Coordinator

Sue Mitchell

Bolga Court Coordinator

Elaine Mason

District Nursing Team Leader

Lesley McLellan

Community Services Coordinator

Maree Peters

Home Care Package Coordinator

Lauren Hicks

Consumer Experience Coordinator

Sue Mitchell

Social Worker

Pam Marquis

Health Promotion Officer / Special Projects Officer

Danielle Costigan